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Magorabin – Turin - Italy

This is a really interesting Restaurant because the chef mixes traditional Piedmont products & recipes with innovative cuisine & extravagant foods pairings won’t eat typical Italian food but an innovative reinterpretation of traditional recipes.

In my personal opinion I prefer a traditional approach but I’m sure that if you’ll visit Magorabin you’ll have an interesting food journey.

Please consider that this restaurant is a one star restaurant in 2015 Restaurant Michelin Guide. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

This restaurant is not so big so you’ll find not so much places setting & this gives to the place an hot & cozy atmosphere.

The Staff seems to be really kind & I noticed that are able to understand clients & to move from a formal to an informal approach based on this ability. I think that this is really important to let the customers hair down.

I tasted a nine dishes menu with wines match (lots of them were french wines)

The Chef welcome is about ten testing all of them really curious & very good, in particular I liked very much the peanut mousse & wasabi.

Then the nine dishes were:

Ravioli with cod fish & dried Taggiasca olives

Breaded Lamb with zabaglione & cherry cream

Cod fish cocktail, taggiasca olives & potatoes mousse

Sliced Grilled Fassona Beef (Piedmont Beef) with strawberry & foie gras

Spaghetti Pasta with bread & anchovy

Ravioli with three kind of onions & grana padano cheese cream

Veal with tuna sauce but revisited: veal roll with fresh red tuna (sashimi like) marinated with lime

Coquilles St Jacque with melon & spinach cream

Amberjack with duck speck (speck is deboned, salted and smoked ham) & parmentier cream

For dessert..a great “Passion Lives Here”..Dulcey Chocolate mousse with banana sorbet and passion fruit consommé! Wonderful!

Everything was really interesting & with particular foods combination but also with food decoration based on coffee & cocoa bean, for example!

I think that this could be an attraction in don’t lose it!

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